inwards – outwards
Growing as a human being
in motion, in relation, in action, in stillness
Life, con­flict and deve­lop­men­tal coun­se­ling • coordi­nation and balance with the Alexan­der Techni­que • Stages assessments

Meinrad Rohner
About me

As a life, conflict and developmental counselor, I accompany people in a wide variety of personal and professional life situations. As a teacher of the F. M. Alexander Technique, I teach coordinated movement, free breathing and conscious action. As a scorer of the STAGES sentence completion tests, I create developmental assessments for interested people, which enable them to recognize the developmental center of gravity from which they currently experience and understand themselves, others and the world, and from which further development opportunities open up for them. The basis of my counseling and teaching activities is the personal encounter in conversation and the experience-based attention and exploration of one's own inner world, guided by the communicative principles of the person-centered approach and a deep understanding of being human, inspired by the STAGES model, the pedagogical principles of the F. M. Alexander Technique and the deeper orientation from the stillness of being.

I have sold HeartMath products in Germany and other countries for 18 years and have advised countless people on how to deal with stress and introduced them to the practice of coherence. These experiences form a further building block of my current orientation.

Both with groups and with individuals, I am guided by the idea that contact with our inner self is the breeding ground for our outward actions, and that our relationship to others and to the world works back into our inner self. How we shape our relationships, move through the day and act in private, at work and in public is essentially determined by how we deal with ourselves and we connect to that which is greater than ourselves. For me, it is essential that I live what I bring into my counseling and my teaching.

On my own path, I have learned a lot from my encounters with other people, especially with my students, clients, colleagues and numerous teachers. In addition, dealing with my visual impairment and blindness has been a particularly fruitful teacher.

Every day I rejoice in the richness that life gives me and enjoy laughing at the inevitable absurdities and paradoxes of life, enjoy both movement and stillness, like to be lured into conversations that dig a little deeper and at the same time try to consciously deal with moments of uncertainty, difficulties, pain and dilemmas. At the same time, I can notice and experience in myself, as well as in others, the wonders of awareness, the workings of an evolutionary impulse and the integration into the ground of being.

I would like to highlight the following of my numerous training and further education courses: From my training as an economist and my work as an economist with a doctorate, I have taken with me the prudent handling of information, precise thinking and my interest in social issues. From my many years of training as a person-centered counselor, I would particularly like to mention my ability to listen actively. The Alexander Technique has enabled me to arrive fully in my body and my presence. And the intensive study of the STAGES model of human development has introduced me to a comprehensive understanding of individual and cultural evolutionary processes. Many aspects of our autonomic nervous system and the influence of stress and coherence became accessible to me in connection with the sale of HeartMath devices.

My counseling and teaching practice is located in Maintal, Germany. However, I also regularly have good experiences with counseling on the phone or via Zoom. You can find my contact details and directions on the Contact page.

Life, conflict and developmental counseling, teacher of coordination and balance,
Stages assessments

Dr. Meinrad Rohner • Breulgasse 22, 63477 Maintal, Germany

Telephone +49 6109 - 76 20 34

Email • Internet